Dr. Narinder Singh Parhar, MD , is an amazing physician practicing in Roseville California since 1995. He is board certified by American Board of Physicians and Surgeons and American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicines. He has been a member of Sutter Independent Physicians executive board (SIP), and been actively involved in taking care of very sick patients at Sutter Roseville Medical center. He has been the chairman of SIP Quality Assurance Committee for many years and has served on multiple hospital committees with his invaluable services. He is also known to treat the poor patients at huge discounts. With over 30 years of experience, Dr Narinder Singh Parhar has been a pillar of the local medical community in Roseville, California. Apart from treating the patients one on one in his practice and at the hospital, Dr Parhar has also been involved in clinical research and been instrumental in developing Integrative Pulmonary Care Program for asthma and emphysema. In publish...